Mumbai is all of a piece in its colonial and postcolonial modernity, whereas Delhi’s modernity, such as it is, is at odds with its medieval past
Gandhi’s principal legacy remains the systematic replacement of institutional governance with the vicious precedents of personalised rule
BY Mukul Kesavan 20 September 2024
Should the lives of writers influence the reception of their work?
BY Mukul Kesavan 31 July 2024
Hipshot on the zebra by amber light/Bum cocked, knees spread for room, a little bent/He picks away at his crotch in plain sight/With unhurried, scientific detachment/This isn't a preliminary to sooing/So what's he doing?
BY Mukul Kesavan 2 March 2006
My new year begins in mid-July and has done for 30 years, ever since I signed up to study history in Delhi University in the mid-1970s...
BY Mukul Kesavan 28 September 2005
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