Shantashree Mohanty's poem on how the world keeps moving even amidst immense grief
Shantashree Mohanty writes a poem for Outlook expressing her gratitude to the English professor who inspired her to read poetry.
BY Shantashree Mohanty 29 October 2023
Shantashree Mohanty writes a poem about the experience of eating together with family.
BY Shantashree Mohanty 5 March 2023
Shantashree Mohanty writes about a day in her life as a writer. She receives the advice towards the end of the day that it’s better to be a failing writer than to write failingly and that Sylvia Plath and all her friends would be proud of her perseverance and resilience.
BY Shantashree Mohanty 19 February 2023
Eventually, my ideas of an all-powerful yet inherently benevolent entity called God turned into the mythical boulder crushing the shape of my Sisyphean mind.
BY Shantashree Mohanty 18 February 2023
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