These weekly horoscopes offer guidance on how to use astrology to navigate the coming week as well as insight into what the planets have in store for the coming week.
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20):
During this week, Rahu will be positioned in the twelfth house of your moon sign. As a result of this, you will be required to make a great deal of significant choices, which may cause you to experience feelings of anxiety and restlessness. When you are in such a circumstance, it is important to keep your mind and thoughts under control. If you are having difficulty making a decision, it is best to seek assistance from an older person. You will be successful in your efforts to save money this week, regardless of the efforts you make to do so. Even though this may cause you to feel a little restless, you must also keep in mind that unfavourable situations do not persist indefinitely. During this week, your spouse will be the most useful to you in maintaining harmony within the family, and he will be the one who will assist you the most in this endeavour. Additionally, there is a possibility that you could unexpectedly receive a meaningful present from your friends and family members. Because Shani Dev is currently located in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign, this entire week will be associated with favourable outcomes for those who work in the professional world. In addition to this, this time will also prove to be beneficial for individuals who are contemplating the launch of a new business in addition to their primary business or service. When it comes to students, there is nothing that may be more frustrating than having to work from home rather than studying. You may likely have to deal with this form of frustration for the entire week if you find yourself in such a predicament. Consequently, your mental stress will also increase as a result of this.
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Number: 7
Taurus (Apr 21–May 20):
Ketu will be positioned in the fifth house of your Moon sign, and as a result, the additional workload that you are expected to do this week may have an impact on your health. When you find yourself in such a predicament, it is important to make sure that you give your body some rest and give yourself some spare time. This week, you should concentrate on tasks related to land, real estate, or cultural endeavours. mainly because the current moment presents a very favourable opportunity to engage in these schemes. If you find yourself in such a circumstance, you should not let these opportunities slip through your fingers and instead make the most of them. You will experience some annoyance this week as a result of the actions of others in your immediate environment, particularly members of your own family. Another thing that will happen is that your mental stress will increase, and there is a possibility that you could have a disagreement with them. As a result of Shani Dev's placement in the tenth house of your Moon sign this week, you have the opportunity to place your goals at a somewhat higher level than you did previously. You are going to have to put in a lot of effort in order to complete the task at hand. There is also the risk that you will be dissatisfied with yourself if, for whatever reason, the outcome does not result in the way that you had anticipated it would. This week, a huge number of students will be required to spend a significant amount of money on educational materials. If you are in such a circumstance, and you are aware of the significance of money, you should only purchase the goods that you require.
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Number: 4
Gemini (May 21–Jun 21):
This week, Ketu will be located in the fourth house of your Moon sign, and because of this, you will have a heightened responsibility to ensure that the health of the elderly members of your family is taken care of. As a result of the fact that the Yogas are signalling that they might be experiencing difficulties as a result of an old sickness, which will also have a detrimental impact on a variety of aspects of life. Because Shani Dev is currently located in the ninth house of your Moon sign, it is anticipated that your financial situation will significantly improve this week. This is following the forecasts that were made in the past. At this point, you will have the opportunity to amass your wealth in every possible method. While you are going through this period, there is a probability that you will be required to make some significant choices to strengthen your financial side. As a result, it is important to avoid rushing through the process of making decisions and instead approach each option with care and the highest awareness. During this week, those who are natives or students who live away from home may experience a great deal of difficulty due to the sensation of loneliness. When you are going through this period, you will experience a great deal of loneliness, which may also cause you to feel a peculiar tightness. In a circumstance like this, you should not let your feelings of isolation govern you this week. Instead, if you have the opportunity, go out and spend some time with some of your friends. Regarding the job, your opinion will be taken into consideration in its entirety this week. In other words, your strategic planning and preparation will be recognized everywhere, regardless of whether it is for your employment or your business. Not only that but other people will also be observed paying attention to the conversations you are having. You will get a sense of encouragement upon seeing this. For the time being, those students who are certain about the things they want to do in their lives will need to concentrate more on the effort that they put in. You will have to exert the greatest amount of effort during this period to prevent your ego from taking control of you. Aside from this, as a result of your improved performance in class, you will be able to receive admiration from both your parents and your professors.
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Lucky Number: 5
Cancer (Jun 22–Jul 22):
Saturn will be located in the eighth house of your Moon sign, and because of this, many aspects of your life are going to be most influenced this week. This is because Saturn will be in this position. Consequently, it is in your best interest to prevent yourself from losing your patience in any challenging circumstance. Always keep the future in mind while making any decision, but this is especially important under challenging circumstances. All of your goals that are either unrealistic or dangerous have the potential to lower your money this week because Rahu Dev is currently positioned in the ninth house of your Moon sign. Therefore, you should steer clear of anything that could potentially trap your money. Simply because you run the risk of getting yourself into a lot of trouble if you continue to do this. Increasing your familiarity with powerful and important people in your immediate environment may be accomplished by your participation in social activities, which will prove to be a terrific opportunity for you. The reason for this is that this week, your capacity to influence other people will bring you a lot of good things. During this week, you will have a lack of tolerance, which will cause you to express your opinions while interrupting others while you are at work. You can turn a large number of people against you, even if you do not intend to do so. It is also likely that your higher officials would appear dissatisfied with the attitude that you are displaying. As you are well aware, "Sometimes we lose and sometimes we win," and this is a truth that you are aware of. Every time you have a setback in your educational pursuits, however, you completely forget this reality and cause harm to yourself. Additionally, there is a significant potential that something similar will occur to you during this week as well.
Lucky Colour: Silver
Lucky Number: 2
Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23):
As Jupiter will be sitting in the tenth house of your moon sign, you will need to make a shift to your tendency to eat more than you would normally. At this point, it will be observed that you are taking the appropriate steps to bring about a change in this undesirable pattern of behaviour that you have. You will be observed engaging in regular physical activity to maintain your health. You are going to be blessed with good fortune in your financial life this week; nevertheless, if you are going to make any kind of investment during this period, you should first evaluate the circumstances and then invest. Your money may become stuck. This week, you will have the opportunity to communicate with and get in touch with those friends or relatives of yours that you only see on a sporadic basis. For the reason that this time is going to prove to be particularly beneficial for you in terms of re-establishing and enhancing your previous relationships. Saturn will be in the seventh house of your moon sign this week, which means that those born under your zodiac will be able to find relief from the tension and the ups and downs that they experience in their lives. This is because Saturn will be in the seventh house of your zodiac constellation. You have been waiting for a very long time for some positive changes and unexpected occurrences to take place in your life, and this period is going to bring them to you. This week, there is a probability that you will be able to eliminate a wide variety of challenges that you have been experiencing in comprehending a number of your subjects. Because at this time you will be entirely effective in distancing yourself from the ups and downs that are occurring in your personal life, and as a result, you will be able to concentrate the majority of your attention on your academic pursuits.
Lucky Colour: Gold
Lucky Number: 1
Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23):
This week will begin on a positive note in terms of your health since Shani will be sitting in the sixth house of your moon sign. Therefore, this week will begin on a positive one. because during this time, you will see favourable improvements in your health. As a consequence of this, you may also choose to be a member of the gym at this time. There is a possibility that something will occur in the lives of a great number of people this week. As a result, you may decide to hold a party for other people and spend a lot of money on it. If you are in a rush at this period, however, you should avoid doing anything at all. If you do, you will subsequently discover that you have wasted more money than was required. Over this week, you will need to refrain from unduly suspecting the members of your family and from making hasty choices regarding their intentions. There is a possibility that they are under some form of pressure, and they require your compassion and trust to get through this. You will be experiencing a certain amount of stress this week as a result of your work and the additional obligations that you have. As a result of this tension, you may make some mistakes, the consequences of which will be directly seen in your professional life. During this week, a significant number of pupils will be observed contributing to some task at their homes, thereby demonstrating their level of understanding. Additionally, as a result of this, your parents will express their admiration and congratulations to you. On the other hand, you should try to avoid being unduly proud of your schooling during this period.
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Number: 8
Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23):
The planet Rahu will be in the sixth house of your moon sign, and as a consequence, it is anticipated that this week will be quite favourable for your health and everyday life. People who cause you to worry about things that aren't required are the kind of people you should avoid interacting with during this time. As a consequence of this, your mental health will also significantly improve. This week, you will encounter unexpected financial benefits; nevertheless, the money that you receive will only be accessible for a very brief time. Therefore, those individuals who are involved in any kind of illicit activity, in particular, will need to give it a thousand thoughts before taking any kind of danger at this time. In that case, you run the risk of incurring monetary loss. You will be liberated from a wide range of highs and lows in your family life during this week. Additionally, throughout this period, some individuals will be successful in purchasing their own home rather than renting a home, and they will do it with the assistance of their family. You must refrain from beginning any new projects or commercial partnerships with other individuals during this week. mainly because there is a possibility that you will be able to decide at this time without giving it much thought, which could result in you having to endure a loss in the future. When it comes to the pupils who are born under this zodiac sign, this week is a sign of many successful accomplishments. Since the time is going to be very fortunate for the students, and because this time will show you the way to achieve tremendous success in moving forward based on your education, this period is going to be very fortunate for you.
Lucky Colour: Pink
Lucky Number: 6
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):
During this week, Jupiter Maharaj will be located in the seventh house of your moon sign. Since our health is the true capital of life, you will make it a point to incorporate this idea into your life and put it into practice. On account of this, you will openly laugh and joke with other people, dismissing any mental stress that may be there, to obtain better health both at home and at your place of employment. Your financial horoscope recommends that individuals born under your zodiac sign refrain from lending money to anyone or taking money out of anyone during this week. This is a specific piece of advice that is given this week. mainly because this moment is indicating a significant prospect of financial benefit for you. You can conclude that you will lend money to your friends and acquaintances as a result of this. In the coming week, you will be observed performing all of your tasks with a great deal of enthusiasm; yet, there is a risk that your disposition may become spoilt as a result of an unfavorable occurrence. As a consequence of this, your nature will appear to be somewhat agitated in the context of family life. If we discuss your place of employment, then from the perspective of that location, this week is going to be in your name and only your name. mainly since Shani will be in the fourth house of your moon sign at this time, which means that luck will be on your side. Because of this, you will be able to accomplish it without encountering any difficulties, regardless of the labour that you put your hands into. Consequently, you should not let this opportunity pass you by; instead, you should make the most of it and guarantee that you are on the route to reaching your professional goals. If you are getting ready for competitive examinations, then this week is going to be an extremely good time for you to do so. Despite this, you will need to put in more effort than you did in the past during this time since the only way you will achieve success is if you do so. In a circumstance like this, make an effort to comprehend the topics at hand by making the most of the time you have available.
Lucky Colour: Black
Lucky Number: 9
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):
This week, in order to improve your health, you will need to begin your morning with some form of physical activity. As a result of the fact that you must also be aware of the fact that this is the moment when you can begin to feel positive about yourself. In such a scenario, you should incorporate this modification into your daily routine and make an effort to maintain its consistency. Because Shani Dev will be in the third house of your moon sign this week, the people who are born under your zodiac sign are going to have a very fortunate week in terms of their financial situation. If you find yourself in such a circumstance, you mustn't slow down your efforts in any way during this time. This is because the favourable position of the planets at this time can present you with an excellent opportunity to enhance your fortune. This week, the children of the home will astonish you with their accomplishments, which will cause you to feel proud. You can appear to be a little emotional as a result of this. If you find yourself in such a circumstance, rather than trying to conceal your emotions, you should make an effort to communicate them in front of the members, and you should not refrain from complimenting the youngsters. If you have been making efforts to meet an officer or investor, you will have the opportunity to meet them unexpectedly this week with the assistance of a close acquaintance or friend. Therefore, you should get yourself ready for this in advance and do some further research. In that case, their inquiries have the potential to silence you and make you appear less than intelligent in their presence. Beginning in the middle of this week, it is likely that students who have been dreaming of attending a prestigious college in another country and pursuing further education will have the opportunity to do so. If you find yourself in such a circumstance, it is recommended that you get up early and focus on practising the subjects to improve your memory.
Lucky Colour: Purple
Lucky Number: 3
Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 21):
Due to Jupiter's presence in the fifth house of your moon sign, this week appears to be favourable for your health and way of life. Because it is more probable that you will not suffer from any serious ailment at this time, you should benefit from improved health and make it a habit to consume foods that are rich in vitamin C. From the beginning of this week to the end of it, you should avoid hanging out with all of those close friends and family members who keep asking you for a loan and then exhibit reluctance when it comes time to repay it. mainly due to the fact that lending money at this time will end up being detrimental to you. The blessings of your parents will be bestowed upon you and your morale will be boosted all throughout this week whenever you experience feelings of loneliness. Your family life will continue to operate smoothly as a result of this. In the coming week, those individuals who are engaged in any form of creative job can have to deal with a great deal of difficulties. mainly since there is a strong likelihood that you may experience a condition of perplexity regarding your capabilities throughout this period. As a consequence of this, you will begin to have feelings of insecurity over your professional life. We regret to inform you that despite your best efforts, you will need to wait for a longer time this week if you have been trying to gain admission to a foreign school or college for the past few days. Because any incomplete document could cause your hard work to be wasted.
Lucky Colour: Brown
Lucky Number: 10
Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19):
You need to pay attention to your health throughout this time. Because during this period you will not be required to deal with any health-related issues, but despite this, you will be seen incorporating yoga and exercise into your daily routine to maintain your health. Since Guru Maharaj will be located in the fourth house of your moon sign this week, you have the potential to make a significant amount of profit if you make investments for an extended time. Nevertheless, to accomplish this, you will be required to make any decision only after consulting with the more experienced members of the household. You will be respected by the community during this week; yet, the health of your siblings may continue to deteriorate during this period. a portion of your financial resources will be required to be spent on it. On the other hand, during this period, if you accomplish all of your family tasks, you will also receive respect at home. It is possible that your top officers would not like the fact that you are having fun at work. As a consequence of this, it is conceivable that they will not take your job and responsibilities seriously and allocate some of the tasks that you were putting in a lot of effort to complete previously to someone else. This week, those born under your zodiac sign will have the ability to eliminate a wide variety of challenges that are associated with the subject of education. Because of this, you will experience a loss of stress and a sense of revitalization. In this kind of circumstance, you should make an effort to participate in some physical activities in addition to your academics to make the most of this time.
Lucky Colour: Aqua
Lucky Number: 11
Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20):
For those born under this zodiac sign, the likelihood of contracting a significant illness this week is quite low, except for a few minor wellness issues. If you are experiencing any seasonal illness, it is strongly recommended that you do not take any medication without first consulting a medical professional and that you do not treat yourself at home. As a result of Guru Maharaj's position in the third house of your moon sign this week, you will receive monetary benefits from a variety of sources. When you take advantage of these benefits, you may also choose to invest them in some investment. On the other hand, there is a good likelihood that during this period, there is a possibility that any investment that you make with the long term in mind may function to provide you with favourable outcomes in the future. There is a high probability that you may experience unfavourable outcomes if you have requested any form of financial assistance from your older siblings. The reason for this is that it is likely that your siblings would refuse to provide you with any form of assistance, citing their terrible financial situation as the reason. You will be able to make time for yourself this week, even though your schedule is extremely busy. On the other hand, whenever you find yourself with some spare time, you should engage in some creative activity. Students who are currently studying for competitive examinations are likely to experience unexpected success this week. Therefore, maintain your concentration on the objective you have set for yourself, work hard and diligently, and avoid spending time with people who waste the majority of their time on things that are not important.
Lucky Colour: Lavender
Lucky Number: 12