At any point in time, 100-odd women protestors are stationed at Shambhu

For the past one year, hundreds of women protestors from different districts of Punjab and Haryana have been coming to Shambhu border

They come from different district of Punjab and Haryana and stay for 10 days or so. Once they go back, women from another district come to Shambhu

For most, it takes them a day to reach Shambhu in open tractors and trolleys

They live in a tin shed—the space provided to women. While it’s relatively warm inside the shed on a cold January afternoon, the women say the space turns into a furnace in summers

They come from different villages of Punjab and don't know each other. But once they start living together, they become each other’s friends and support system

These women take up additional tasks like picking and sorting rice or millet

Meals are prepared at the community kitchens at the protest site

While the men help with preparing, cooking, serving meals and washing utensils, these duties are primarily taken up by the women

The women say they will continue to come to Shambhu for as long as the protests will go on