Nestled on the Baltic coast and steeped in pristine medieval charm, the Old Town of Tallinn, Estonia, transports me to a timeless world.
Tallinn tempts me to its shores on a vibrant European summer day, following a packed work week in Finland.
Sailing on a cruise from Helsinki across the kaleidoscopic Baltic waters, I am already in a mood for exploration. The scent of the sea drifts through the air, blending into the soft murmur of voices onboard.
The cruise is quite full—multiple nationalities, both tourists and locals. I step out from the cabin onto the deck, entranced by the surrounding vastness and the sight of distant shorelines. I am in the company of a dear friend and colleague from South Africa, both of us on our maiden voyage to Tallinn.
The couple of hours on the cruise pass quickly—feasting on the view, engaging in “girlie” conversations, and enjoying snacks purchased onboard.